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See the Top 5 Reads of February 2023

February 2023 has been great for Zendy. From launching new features and creating a smooth research discoverability process to attending the annual STEP conference and utilising the opportunity to showcase our fantastic online library, it has been a whirlwind of positives! 

This curated list of February 2023 top reads is an exciting one; join us in discovering the state of refugees globally, machine-learning diagnostics, the response healthcare professionals should have upon the spread of a celebrity’s cancer journey, the financial issues among farmers in Malaysia and the history of Mathematics. 

  1. Uncovering the state of refugees around the world

This journal article explores the state of refugees on a global scale. It was recorded that by the end of 2011, 42 million refugees had been forced to evacuate their homes due to ongoing or arising conflict. Analysing and differentiating between refugee populations in rural and urban areas in cities all around the world, this article identifies that urbanization plays a role in the delayed responses to forced displacement.

Read more here: The State of the World’s Refugees

  1. Machine-learning diagnosis of EEG pathology

Dissecting the potential of machine-learning diagnosis of EEG pathology, this journal article highlights and compares hand-crafted features to learned features by creating a comprehensive feature-based framework. This article argues that machine-learning methods possess the potential to automate clinical EEG analysis, the study conducted found that the proposed feature-based decoding framework can achieve accuracies on the same level as state-of-the-art deep neural networks. 

Read more here: Machine-learning and EGG Diagnosis

  1. How should celebrity cancer journeys be perceived? 

Due to the rise of celebrity culture in the 21st century, the general population relies on celebrity cancer experiences and journeys for their personal cancer care and treatment decision-making. This journal article focuses on how the media coverage of Angelina Jolie, John McCain and Jimmy Carter’s cancer journeys had consequences on individual patients. The piece further highlights that clinicians should be comfortable in having conversations regarding celebrity medical treatments and procedures with their patients. 

Read more here: How Should Clinicians Respond When Patients Are Influenced by Celebrities’ Cancer Stories?

  1. Financial issues among farmers in Malaysia

Dated to 2015, this journal article assesses how Islamic agricultural finance can potentially play a role in Malaysian agriculture development. Given the farmers’ financial issues and the government’s efforts to resolve their agricultural sector, this study derives first-hand data from the farmers via interviews and questionnaires to identify the most suitable solution for the Malaysian agriculture sector. 

Read more here: Financial Problems among Farmers in Malaysia: Islamic Agricultural Finance as a Possible Solution

  1. An Episodic History of Mathematics

This e-book will acquaint readers with mathematical language, thought, and mathematical life by uncovering the lives of historically important mathematical figures. An Episodic History of Mathematics has engaging stories and anecdotes about Pythagoras, Galois, Cantor and Poincaré. These mathematicians were complex individuals who led colourful and fascinating lives, and brought about thought-provoking mathematics. 

Read more here: An Episodic History of Mathematics : Mathematical Culture Through Problem Solving

Discover millions of e-books, journal articles, proceedings and more on Zendy now.

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Top 5 Reads of January 2023

We are kicking off 2023 strong with January’s top reads! The new year’s resolutions that you have set are said to set the tone for the rest of your year. However, have you ever wondered where new year’s resolutions stem from?

The ancient Babylonians are the first recorded civilization to celebrate new year’s, although their new year fell mid-march after their crops were planted. It is said that they were the first people to make new year’s resolutions. This tradition was then modernized into the new years we know today. During the reign of Julius Caesar, Ancient Romans celebrated and recognized the New Year to be on January 1st. Ancient Romans selected this date in honor of the Greek God Janus, who they believed symbolically looked back into the previous year and ahead into the future. To celebrate the New Year, the Romans committed to good deeds for the coming year.

If reading often was one of your resolutions, this run-down of top reads may inspire your new discoveries. To give you an idea of all the topics you can dive into on Zendy, we’ll be exploring why healthcare professionals should be more involved in combatting false beliefs on the internet and how WhatsApp can be used as a learning tool to pick up a new language, we also peek at color associated emotional and behavioral responses. We also discuss severe depression in late life and how to tackle it, and finally, the impact that sustainable labeling has on consumer behavior.

The role healthcare professionals play outside of medical settings

This journal article explores the thin line between freedom of speech and the spread of misinformation on the internet. In this technological age, information is always a click away. We’ve all received threads on certain weight-loss tips and steps we should be taking to improve our health. We tend to forget that many of these tips, experiences, and personal views are not regulated or accurate information. This article argues that the threat of misinformation lies beyond clinical settings, and therefore so do the obligations of healthcare professionals. This piece also highlights the types of speech the government can regulate and how healthcare discourse can potentially be governed and monitored without dabbling in the First Amendment rights.

Read more: Why Healthcare Professionals Should Speak Out Against False Beliefs on the Internet

Exploring WhatsApp as a learning tool

This journal article discusses how WhatsApp can be used as an educational tool. This is interesting because WhatsApp’s features align well with the online tools one would need to grasp a new language. The study is aimed at English foreign language learners to significantly improve their conversational English using WhatsApp’s convenient features such as videos, voice notes, texting, and even the use of emojis. However, since this is a classroom setting, certain rules would need to be applied to using social media as a means of education.

Read more: WhatsApp and its Use to Improve Student’s Pronunciation

The psychology behind colors

We come across a plethora of colors every day. Colors hold much more biological and psychological significance than we might think. According to this journal article, colors can trigger psychological, physical, biological, and metabolic reactions within humans. It explores whether the way we react to colors is a learned response or an innate one. Honoring psychology’s well-known nature vs. nurture debate, this article highlights the significance of each color and how literature supports and proves the emotions and feelings each color can invoke in human beings. It also carefully studies the effect of culture and religion and how those factors affect how an individual perceives certain colors.

Read more: Color-associated emotional and behavioral responses: A study on the associations emerged via imagination

Severe depression in late life

This unique case study explores the severe depression that elderly people face. We follow Mrs. B’s journey into her medical and psychological treatments and dissect how clinicians should play a more active role in scanning depression in older adults. This study proved that signs of inactivity and feeling neglected should not be dismissed as the effects of aging but rather should be perceived as symptoms of depression. The depression that older adults face can be tackled through treatments such as psychotherapy, behavioral activation, and electroconvulsive therapy. While the elderly become more dependent, this study proves that therapy can, once again, have them thriving independently.

Read more: Older Adults with Severe, Treatment-Resistant Depression: “I got my mother back.”

How sustainable labeling affects consumer behavior

As consumers become more aware of the products and transparency becomes the best marketing tool, this journal article discusses the impact green labeling has on consumer behavior. The researchers discuss how sustainable labeling may work for some products as consumers assign different levels of importance to them. For example, green labeling on dairy products might not grab consumer attention as the environmental issue comes from the very consumption of dairy. The article explores the variables that drive a consumer to attempt to shift to sustainable buying habits and willingly pay more to support these practices. Conscious consumers want to see how brands adapt their products and re-position themselves to be environmental-friendly.

Read more: Hey, did you see that label? It’s Sustainable!: Understanding the role of sustainable labeling in shaping sustainable purchase behavior for sustainable development

Discover millions of journals, proceedings, e-books, and more on Zendy.

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Top 5 Reads of February 2022

Before libraries and books had the opportunity of moving online, many philanthropists, politicians, and librarians started travel libraries to spread knowledge within their communities. Whether a bookmobile or a book wagon, these book collections became quite popular among readers in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially among the wealthy and educated. The many benefits of reading had made it worth going all these extra miles from town to town.

Reading can improve your language, expand your imagination, enhance your retention, make you more opinionated, increase your critical thinking abilities, teach you a new skill, promote subject-specific knowledge, or even simply provide an escape. We hope that by using Zendy, you’ll be able to harvest all these benefits and more. We promise that this month’s top reads will inspire, enrich, and entertain you.

1. Weight-loss Salvation: How Real People Lose Weight and Keep It off (e-Book)

Weight gain and weight loss have been the subject of numerous debates. Even professionals tend to disagree about the best practices regarding weight-loss plans. One thing is certain though, most of us want to prevent weight gain. This book follows the journey of one such person, who had struggled with weight gain and tried all sorts of different diet plans and pills until he finally found a sustainable way of losing weight. The book is co-authored by Stuart McRobert, who has previously written multiple books about exercise and health. Throughout the book, both authors detail the best way to approach and apply weight-loss plans for both men and women by addressing the psychological and physical aspects of weight gain, food addiction, conditioning, distractions, weight-loss scams, caloric expenditure, finding motivation, and plateauing. Access this rich resource to learn more healthy recipes, facts about walking, stretching, exercise, and other tips that can help you maintain your ideal weight.


2. Rethinking Sociocultural Notions of Learning in the Digital Era: Understanding the affordances of networked platforms (Journal Article)

It is no secret that the nature of networking and social connections has changed with the emergence of the digital world, especially with social media cementing its presence in our daily lives. In addition to keeping us updated and connected to the rest of the world, networking platforms also have the ability to facilitate our learning experiences. Plenty of these platforms’ features can be invaluable in developing a robust remote learning journey that can cater to different learners’ needs. Sociocultural learning theories can shed light on the importance of the various social, practical, cultural, historical, and other aspects that create more immersive and impactful learning. This article from the Journal of E-Learning and Digital Media dives into the affordances of digital platforms and how theories of learning could be revisited to match the changing world we live in. Learn more about how the visibility, scalability, flexibility, and persistence of the digital world could help improve learning outcomes.

Programming e-book

3. C++ Fundamentals: Hit the Ground Running with C++, the Language That Supports Tech Giants Globally (e-Book)

C++ is one of the many programming languages that programmers use to communicate with computers. This type of code has been used for plenty of purposes, such as developing games, creating software, organising data structures, building browsers, operating systems, and applications. C++ is one of the fastest programming languages and one that is great for developing digital products that require high-quality processing of images and visuals. Anyone familiar with programming will be able to benefit from this book’s comprehensive content. Learn more about the recent features of C++, understand the best practices, and write bullet-proof code with the help of standard templates.

Book Analysis Song of Fire and Ice

4. “You Win, or You Die”: The Royal Flush of Power in Game of Thrones (Journal Article)

College literature courses are increasingly diversifying content and including more contemporary works into their curricula. George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the novel series that has gained widespread popularity among the general public as well as made its way into the minds and hearts of university professors, literary critics, and literature students. This article explores some of the elements that have made this work a fertile ground for interpretation and analysis. The representation of different forms of governance in Martin’s work is examined and their diverging natures compared in this article. By adopting a Foucauldian approach, the author draws on the many complex realities and relationships of power that the world of Game of Thrones paints. Learn more about why this fantasy series can make for thought-provoking scholarly consideration.

Business Theory

5. Wanted: Heroic Leaders to Drive the Transition to “Business Beyond Usual” (Journal Article)

We cannot hope to change the world by doing the same thing we have been doing for ages. As the need for sustainability grows, changing the way we do business grows with it. In order to solve the environmental issues we are facing today, we need to move towards ‘business beyond usual’. This article addresses these needs from a practical perspective, highlighting the gap between theory and practice while reviewing research findings related to sustainability. By focusing on what business leaders need to take action for corporate sustainability, the article discusses the shortcomings of micro foundation research and questions whether motivation, emotions, and values could truly translate into sustainable action. Read more about how to empower and create the ‘heroic’ leaders of tomorrow.

Access articles, e-books, magazines, and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy Plus is available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE. For everywhere else in the world, there’s always Zendy Open.

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Top 5 Reads of December 2021

Apoptosis is a bodily function that plays a role in preventing cancer. It is the natural process that rids your body of damaged or unwanted cells. If you’ve never come across the term before, you might want to read more about it on Zendy! You can learn more about various scientific, biochemical, and physiological processes like artificial gene amplification and extension, cell physiology, immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting, and more on Zendy. More importantly, you’ll be able to narrow down your search results for each keyword string you enter by subject, publication, language, or origin..

Once again, we’ve rolled out our top reads to give you a brief idea about all that you can find on Zendy. In this month’s top 5 Zendy reads, you will learn more about the advantages and significance of pharmacy automation, the cognitive and psychological benefits of music therapy, the linguistic and extra-linguistic elements of stylistic devices in English discourse, how business information managers and other professionals are dealing with the corporate repercussions of the pandemic, and potential teaching methodologies that can help overcome the challenges of teaching history courses.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads for December:

Pharmacy Automation

1. Five Trends in Pharmacy Automation. (Magazine Article)

Without pharmacy automation, pharmacy staff might be tied down to carrying out mechanical tasks like counting pills. Instead, these professionals’ expertise and time can be repurposed. Pharmacy automation has the ability to reduce expenses, save space, and increase security. This article from the Hospitals & Health Networks magazine lists all the benefits and the recent trends of implementing smart, automated cabinets in hospital pharmacies. By eliminating the need to report on drug inventories, nurses will have more time to consecrate to patient care and other life-saving or administrative tasks.

To learn more about how automated cabinets can improve efficiency and help reduce the risk of narcotic abuse among hospital staff, click here.

Dementia and Music Therapy

2. “Don’t Let Me Go” – A Case Study on Music Therapy in Early-stage Dementia (Case Study)

Science is just beginning to uncover the ways in which music can be therapeutic. In this detailed case study, we come to meet Ana, a lovely lady in her 70s, who suffers from early dementia. Throughout the music therapy sessions conducted, Ana gradually opens up to her therapist, who learns of her emotionally traumatic experience of losing her daughter. Becoming familiar with the session structure and not being confronted about her confusion or disorientation, Ana became less resistant to therapy and grew more relaxed throughout her sessions. Singing seemed to be Ana’s preferred musical engagement, so her therapist guided her in writing a song following the parody technique. Since Ana was already familiar with the melody, this ensured that she wouldn’t be overwhelmed with too much new information. After some weeks of engaging with her new therapist, Ana was reading poetry, reciting hymns, and had already written a song about her family.

Step into Ana’s music therapy sessions and learn more about how to comfort and connect with people with dementia. Read the full case study here.

Para-linguistic Analysis

3. Cognitive and pragmatic approach to using stylistic devices in English literary discourse (Research Paper)

Discourse theory has evolved a lot since the great philosopher and sociologist Michel Foucault first coined the term. Similarly, different theories and advances in literary and linguistic studies have affected how we view, interpret, and analyse language. This paper examines language and literature through the lens of cognitive, discourse, and pragmatic theories. The author applies these theoretical considerations to 20th-century works of literature to demonstrate how semantic, syntactic, and extra-linguistic factors influence the production and perception of meaning. To exemplify these principles, the author refers to antithesis, a stylistic device. Contemporary scholars have moved away from absolution when it comes to interpreting meaning. Increasingly, weight has been attributed to the text’s contextual factors, the readers’ cultural backgrounds, immediate surroundings, personal experiences, and what the author refers to as the “cognitive structures and processes that underlie the production and reception of language”.

To continue reading about how linguistic factors and pragmatic constituents play a role in making stylistic devices more appealing to audiences, click here.

Turning Crisis into Opportunity

4. ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’ – The 2020 Business Information Review Survey: Part I. (Journal Article)

The Business Information Review Survey is a reputable, peer-reviewed publication that has been running for 30+ years. This article from the journal combines insights from leading information managers that work in different sectors, such as financial services, law, professional services, manufacturing, mining, and technology. The conversations among these professionals centre around changes in corporate structure, staffing, the impact of technology, content delivery, working arrangements, and client engagement. Several participants shared their strategic priorities for the coming year, and perhaps not surprisingly, most of these priorities were consistent across different organisations. It seems clear that continuous efforts towards organisational alignment and readiness to respond to changing demands and needs make for unmistakable pillars of success among today’s information managers.

Continue reading the first part of this article and learn more about recent experiences with organisational models and staffing trends here.

History of Psychology Teaching Methodology

5. Teaching the History of Psychology (Journal Article)

History courses tend to be less engaging than other courses simply because of the static quality of the course content itself. Prof. Christopher D. Green’s experience with teaching History of Psychology courses is not different. In this article from the Canadian Psychology journal, Prof. Green analyses students’ attitudes towards the course material and proposes different approaches to render it more entertaining and relevant to psychology students. For one whole semester, Prof. Green collected public tweets from students about the course only to find out that most of them displayed a sense of boredom and resentment. To bring the course material closer to undergraduates, Prof. Green suggests offering a deeper and often broader context to events which led to the birth of different theories and schools of thought, connecting events and intellectual developments through causal relationships whenever possible.

Wondering why students struggle to relate to dry subject matter in history courses or how to motivate and further engage them? Read the full article to learn more.

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Top 5 reads of November 2021

In 1731, Benjamin Franklin started a lending library called the Library Company which became the first public subscription library in the US. Today, more than 50 years later, digital libraries are able to offer a world of books and scholarly resources that readers can access and read in the comfort of their homes. Zendy places a wide variety of reading material in your hands, from insightful articles about technology addiction in pre-schoolers, thorough e-books about the history of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance, numerous chapters about the rise of creative writing, books about gender and diversity studies, news pieces discussing economic irrationality, a primer on the fundamentals of screenwriting, the latest research exploring the neurological component of empathy, and plenty more.

We hope that our monthly top reads will continue to inspire you about the many resources you can find on Zendy. In this month’s top five, you’ll be able to read about how Nespresso reworked their branding to achieve remarkable growth, the role of family in rearing up the young leaders of the future, how women are shaping the world of finance, the countless mesmerising cosmic objects, and the challenges and opportunities of developing e-governments.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in November:

Branding Nespresso - Journal article

1. Nespresso: Branding the “Ultimate Coffee Experience” (Journal Article)

Whether you are a real coffee connoisseur or just enjoy the occasional espresso, you’re probably more than familiar with Nespresso. Founded as early as 1986, Nespresso turned out to be one of Nestle’s most successful brands. This article from Media/Culture Journal explores the brand’s early start and the different corporate shifts it made until it gradually designed a premium coffee experience and became a giant in the coffee market. Despite the noticeable abundance of different coffee brands, Nespresso seems to have maintained a yearly growth rate of 30%. Initially, Nestle’s coffee pods were meant to target the corporate and commercial sector with offices and restaurants being its primary customers. The shift to domestic focus resulted in countless gains for the brand.

Find out how Nespresso was able to grow 20 times faster than an already growing coffee market here.

دور الأسرة (e-Book)

2. دور الأسرة في إعداد القائد الصغير (e-Book)

This book is part of a longer series of Arabic books that aim to guide and advise families, parents, educators, and educational institutes on the best constructive approaches to fostering better leaders. By considering the family as the first nurturing environment, the book highlights the important role that family plays in affecting and steering children’s behaviour. A child’s habits and tendencies can be greatly influenced by his closest family members. Parents are urged to encourage their child’s development in different areas including health, education, morality, and political knowledge, as well as continuously offer a loving and supporting environment that inspires a sense of fulfilment and tolerance. Because of how complex parenting has always been, this publication can be an invaluable resource to many parents.

Parents can inspire their children to be more proactive, read more here.


3. Fortune (Magazine)

The most recent December 2021 – January 2022 issue of the magazine is out, loaded with plenty of tips and insights into the world of investment, market shares, and finance. In this issue, you’ll find articles about Elon Musk’s influence on the stock market, Gen Zers perception of cryptocurrency, Tesla’s soaring share prices, the science of trends and econophysics, investors’ hunt for more adaptable companies, and more. In addition to that, you’ll get to hear directly from inspiring women in the world of finance and entrepreneurship, like Global Head of Investment Banking Services at Goldman Sachs, Kim Posnett; Spanx founder, Sara Blakely; co-founder and CEO of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki; and Women’s Philanthropy Institute director, Jeannie Infante Sager. Finally, don’t forget to read the feature article “Insulin’s Deadly Cost” which addresses the irrational increase in insulin prices while discussing the evolution of other treatments for Type2 diabetes.

To continue reading about the latest in world finance, click here.


4. Astronomy (Magazine)

Astronomy magazine has been continuously publishing invaluable articles for amateur astronomers since 1973. With 12 issues published annually, it provides monthly astronomy tips and facts all year long. This special issue of Astronomy is no exception. Curated by the editor himself, the January 2022 issue features a long fascinating list of 101 cosmic objects that every astronomy enthusiast should not miss! Anyone who is passionate about observing space will be thrilled with this comprehensive list as it details how to spot each of the objects with a telescope. The first object on the list is Centaurus A, a galaxy in the shape of a hamburger with a supermassive black hole in the middle. Some 200M+ years ago, an elliptical galaxy collided with a spiral galaxy which formed Centaurus A as we know it.

Want to learn more about the Orion Nebula, the Hercules Cluster, the Magellanic Clouds, and other captivating cosmic objects? Click here.

E-Governments (e-book)

5. E-Government: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities (e-Book)

This book examines how government services can be digitised by studying the previous experiences of different local e-governments. By reviewing the various literature provided on this matter, the book offers a clear guide of when and where enterprise architectures can be applied to e-government initiatives, which frameworks are best to follow, and what the potential challenges and opportunities are. The authors of the book also provide insight into the factors that can contribute to the successful digitisation of the governmental sector. As governments increasingly invest in developing their digital services, enterprise architectures gradually become proposed for such initiatives. This book includes an experiment which compares five sites for e-government in Greece, a closer look at South Korea’s e-government successes, and more.

Large-scale digitisation can be transformative, learn more about government e-services here.

Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy Plus is available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE. For everywhere else in the world, there’s always Zendy Open.

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Top 5 reads of October 2021

Zendy’s abundant resources include a wealth of knowledge in anthropology, art and culture, biomedical research, and more! Through Zendy, you can access the latest research articles across different disciplines and fields; download comprehensive e-books about the fundamentals of neurology or how to start the next disruptive business; read manuscripts detailing everything about horses from as early as 1741; flip through all past and current issues of leading tech, geography, and health magazines; browse interviews with inspiring figures across industries; and so much more.

As always, our Top 5 Zendy reads are ready to give you an idea about what others are reading on Zendy each month. This month’s series includes an e-book about one of Brazil’s most vibrant states, an interview with an exceptional stage director, a study examining the benefits of automated dispensing cabinets, an invaluable book that deconstructs the socio-political landscape around sustainability, and a modern companion to the best-selling motivational entrepreneurial guide Think and Grow Rich.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in October:

Race, Reform, and Tradition in Bahia

1. Brazil’s Living Museum: Race, Reform, and Tradition in Bahia (e-Book)

Bahia is one of Brazil’s most cultural northeastern states. Bahia’s history bears an acute resemblance to that of Brazil. Though Bahia has often been romanticised, it has also been disparaged on many occasions. For many Brazilians and countless tourists that decide to visit Salvador, Bahia represents Brazil’s African roots. Afro-Bahians seem to have preserved their cultural autonomy and have been mostly unaffected by modern tendencies. This e-book celebrates Bahia’s multi-cultural heritage, discusses its many cultural influences, and delves into its rich social, religious, natural history while acknowledging what it currently represents to Brazilians and how it came to be the African cultural epicentre of Brazil.

Continue reading here:

2. ‘Getting Away With Murder’: O’Brien Directs Sondheim & Furth (Journal Article)

Though both titles are eerily similar, Getting Away with Murder is a play that premiered long before ABC’s famous How to Get Away with Murder and told a completely different tale. The play narrates the story of seven psychiatry patients who meet for their regular group therapy session only to discover that their psychiatrist has been murdered. The comedy thriller first opened on the 17th of March in 1996. In this article from Back Stage journal, the director of the play, Jack O’Brien, discusses what drew him to the script and how the story evolved. Jack O’Brien was the artistic director of the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego, California, from 1981 to 2007.

To read more about the story and the production of this unique play, click here:

automated dispensing cabinets

3. Patient safety: Analysis of the impact of the implementation of automated dispensing cabinets on drug return in a university hospital (Journal Article)

Technological advancements have aided so many different industries in organising, checking, and standardising their procedures. Pharmacies and hospitals have similarly witnessed how technology can enhance and safeguard certain operations. One area that still poses a challenge in many hospitals is the return of medications. Delays or failure to return medications may encourage deviations and cause medical errors, especially when medicines are accumulated in nursing units.This study from the journal of Clinical & Biomedical Research analysed the amount of returned medication in a university hospital both before and after the implementation of an automated dispensing cabinet. The mean percentage of returned medications was as high as 27% in the years preceding the use of the automated cabinet and dropped as low as 4% in the year following its use.

To continue reading about the risks that automated dispensing cabinets can prevent, click here:

Stakeholder Politics

4. Stakeholder Politics: Social Capital, Sustainable Development, and the Corporation (e-Book)

Corporate executives and managers might not always be well-equipped to approach ethical and sustainability matters. “While managers rely on facts and rational analysis, their self-appointed critics have mastered the arts of political discourse, issue framing, and media manipulation”. More and more, companies need to pave roadmaps and become familiar with the ‘socio-political terrain’ within their industries. This book aims to guide companies to maintain ‘political legitimacy’ by promoting sustainable development within and outside their organisation. Stakeholder Politics demystifies the most common socio-political problems and explains how to address each of them. The author provides a typology of stakeholder networks that community leaders could identify to ameliorate the social capital patterns within their networks. Furthermore, the book presents real-life cases where managers have already used the approach successfully. This will help community leaders to predict and avoid socio-political risks.

Click here to learn more about navigating the corporate and sustainable development socio-political terrain:

Think and Grow Rich Book

Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy: How the World’s Leading Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, & Cultural Icons Achieve Success (e-Book)

Self-help books have always been popular. In fact, Napoleon Hill’s best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, published back in 1937, was one such type of book. In 2017, James Whittaker published a modern companion of Hill’s book (endorsed by the Napoleon Hill Foundation), which was “released in conjunction with the major motion picture, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy”. The book recounts the experiences and success stories of some of the world’s biggest entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and cultural icons. The book is packed with experiences of rising above obstacles and disadvantages to find personal contentment. Read more about the journey of different inspiring figures from professional athletes, media moguls, venture capitalists, television personalities to self-help gurus, international speakers, and bestselling authors.

Looking for motivation within yourself? Continue reading this book here:

Access articles, e-books, magazines, and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy Plus is available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE. For everywhere else in the world, there’s always Zendy Open.

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Top 5 reads of September 2021

Reproducibility research projects across disciplines have proven that the findings of various studies conducted years ago might no longer be applicable today. This highlights the importance of credible and timely research. At Zendy, we know just how significant staying up to date and being informed of current studies is. Our monthly top reads are always a great way to share stimulating resources that are worthy of your time.

This month, our list of top reads is full of featured magazine articles and profound, expansive e-books. This issue includes informative content about business, entrepreneurship, advances in medical technology, extensive research in lung cancer treatment, global experiences in political science within the digital age, in-depth analysis of the psychology and socio-dynamics of trust, and invaluable tips on how to make strategic thought a part of your daily life.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in September:


1. Forbes: Aug/Sept 2021 (Magazine Issue)

Forbes magazine is always filled with exciting articles and columns. This is a quick glimpse at what you will find in this volume. An extensive article about computer pioneer Michael Dell, how digitisation has contributed to his multi-billion business success, and Dell’s aspirations for the future. Another feature article is the seventh annual list of Richest Self-made Women, listing 100 of the most successful women entrepreneurs. The issue also includes other articles like “Curving Crypto’s Climate Crisis”, “50 Under 50: Travel Companions”, and “Bot Doc” which discusses how two MIT graduates and a bariatric surgeon are expecting to make abdominal surgery more efficient with a new miniature surgical robot.

Flip through the vivid pages of the magazine here:

Lung Cancer

2. Lung Cancer (e-Book)

This comprehensive e-Book features content from internationally recognized experts. The book explains the current cancer management systems in place and reviews new therapies with an emphasis on the molecular biology of tumours. The book also discusses multiple new agents impacting overall survival rates. Other parts of the book cover chemotherapy regimens for lung cancer, the emergence of maintenance therapy, the complexity of radiotherapy in the chest, surgical considerations for early-stage lung cancer, and more. Clinicians, nurses, researchers, medical students, and residents will especially find this book useful.

To learn more about the different treatment avenues for lung cancer and what experts have to say about each, click here:

Political Science

3. Political Science and Digitisation – Global Perspectives (e-Book)

Digital transformation is a new subject for all disciplines, including political science. It affects the teaching and learning of political science, as well as research methods and publishing. The author describes digitisation as a transformative force that has not allowed the relevant aspects and theories of various disciplines to adapt to the change of medium. The contributions of more than 30 authors from 20 different countries make this e-book a thorough review of the global perceptions, challenges, and stages of adaptation of digitalisation within political science. The book also explores different opportunities that the digital world could have to offer to politics and discusses how digital platforms could be changing the face of political science.

To continue reading about how political science has been affected by digitisation across different countries, click here:

Psychology of Trust

4. Psychology of Trust: New Research (e-Book)

This book explores the notion of trust in a variety of contexts and across disciplines. Trust research within various fields, from e-commerce to investing in charitable organisations, has come to the same overarching conclusion: trust is a central part of human decision-making. The 16 chapters of the book map out how trust can be built, across various scenarios and contexts. The first few chapters explore emotionally-calibrated trust regulation through the lens of philosophy, psychology, and behavioural economists; the role of trust in managing public relations; the importance of trust in building dynamic capabilities; cognitive and emotional aspects of trust; and the biology of trust. Other chapters in this intriguing book explore gender, methods of measuring trust, and how trustworthiness can contribute to success. The book also features a set of interviews on building interpersonal trust within different organisation types.

Fascinated by the science of trust already? Continue reading here:

Strategic Thinking

5. How to Think Strategically: Sharpen Your Mind. (e-Book)

Want to develop your mental acumen and make strategic impact? This book defines what makes strategy effective, compelling, and smart. Dealing with ambiguity, noticing weakness, determining core organisational challenges, and designing suitable, strategic approaches are all detailed in this self-development e-book. Through numerous real-world examples from other strategic thinkers in action, the book offers valuable lessons that can be replicated in personal and professional contexts. Skills that this book teaches are: internalizing the 20 micro skills of strategic thinking, developing a personal brand, posing questions that spark strategic insights, writing a statement strategy, recognize and mitigating unforeseeable risks, and distinguishing strategic thinking from operational thinking. The author’s years of experience in this domain allow him to provide a unique perspective and to boil down strategic thinking to its core attributes to make it more relatable and comprehensible to readers.

Wondering how strategic thinking can change the way you operate? Continue reading here:

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Top 5 reads of August 2021

Libraries have come a long way since they were first invented. During the Middle Ages, books were a valuable commodity and were therefore chained to the shelves. Today, books are not only more accessible but also more available. Digital libraries like Zendy have made it possible to browse millions of books, articles, and other manuscripts without having to step outside.

The plenitude of available resources can also be overwhelming in itself. For this reason, we keep coming back with a monthly list of top reads from Zendy Plus. This month’s series is packed with research, articles, and e-books about social issues, mental and physical well-being, the latest in orthodontic advancements, herbal medicine, and employee engagement.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in August:

Social media influence

1. Phones and social media turn consumers into whistle-blowers (Article)

This news article from the Canadian Press examines how the corporate sphere is changing with the use of smartphones and social media. Now, consumers are able to record and share content that can quickly spiral out of control and cause corporations a PR nightmare. The article mentions several examples of incidents in which consumers went from being bystanders to calling out companies for bad customer service and other odd behaviour. Companies can no longer sweep embarrassing complaints under the rug in the age of social media. They now need to respond and acknowledge mishaps and shortcomings to regain public trust.

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Read about Yoga

2. Yoga Journal (Magazine Issue)

Perhaps one of the reasons that yoga has become increasingly popular in our modern age is because its benefits are both physical and mental, allowing us to return to ourselves and bask in silence and harmony. This issue of Yoga Journal features many enlightening articles about different yoga poses for relaxation, tips for more effective meditation, and moves for better hip rotation. The issue also features a segment with the inspirational Dr Ingrid Yang who is using yoga to help COVID patients heal. By breathing with her patients in a rhythmic manner, Yang tries to counter the side effects of the predominant prescription for COVID-19 patients – isolation.

To learn more about mantras, poses, and meditation, continue reading here:

Clear Aligners

3. Orthodontic Biomechanics: Treatment of Complex Cases Using Clear Aligner (e-Book)

Clear aligners have been around since as early as the 1900s, but they were initially used to correct mild cases and or re-align relapsed cases. This e-book dives into the technicalities and biomechanics of using clear aligners to treat a broader spectrum of cases. The authors discuss the chemical composition and elasticity of plastics needed for these aligners before outlining the objectives, detailing suitable treatment planning, and evaluating progress for different teeth crowding cases classed according to severity. The e-book goes into extensive detail, allowing orthodontists and other industry professionals to harbour a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, benefits, and limitations of this technology.

To continue reading about clear aligners, click here:

Heart Disease Remedies

4. Cardiovascular Diseases (e-Book)

Herbal remedies and treatments were historically common and reliable in many cultures. In this first volume of ‘Herbal Medicine: Back to the future’ edited by Nobel Laureate Ferid Murad, you’ll find essays, and articles about how different herbal remedies could treat various cardiovascular complications and ease symptoms. The e-book examines multiple cardioprotective plants, relates medications to their herbal equivalents, as well as review and discredit several cardio-related myths and facts. This volume’s content was carefully selected and consolidated with research from China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Portugal, and the United States.

Click here to continue reading:

Employee Engagement ROI

5. Measuring the Success of Employee Engagement : A Step-by-step Guide for Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI (e-Book)

Employee engagement is one of the most significant factors affecting company operations and cost. The growing need for employee engagement systems and programmes is often challenged because of the difficulty of measuring the impact of such initiatives. The first part of the book details the methodology for calculating the return on investments for these initiatives while the second part features multiple case studies in order to showcase the success of this methodology across different sectors and industries. This book is perfect for any human resource or other type of professional aiming to lift employees to achieve their highest potential.

Wondering how motivation and engagement can translate into numbers? Continue reading here:

Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy Plus is available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE. For everywhere else in the world, there’s always Zendy Open.

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Top 5 reads of July 2021

Looking for a fresh perspective for your research paper? Having trouble finding comprehensive and credible sources to cite in your article? Check back monthly for our top reads, and you’ll always be fired up with new ideas.

Research often uncovers truths about topics that we rarely think about. This month, our top Zendy reads include exciting articles and e-books that will expand your worldview and your knowledge about design, the history of law, and social behaviour. From analysing human attitudes towards sharks to exploring the fundamentals of packaging, these eye-opening e-books and articles will leave you mentally stimulated.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in July:

1) Agency in human–shark encounter (Article)

Though shark bites are quite rare and not always fatal, sharks are often vilified to the extent that has deeply rooted the “killer shark” trope into our minds. Exaggerated emphasis on the dangers that sharks pose to humans affects the attitude of the public and the policies adopted to control those threats. This study aims to shed light on how this inaccurate representation has affected how we view, treat, and interact with sharks on national levels.

Want to know more about this issue? Continue reading here:

Consumer behaviour in a health crisis: What happened to cash?

2) Consumer behaviour in a health crisis: What happened to cash? (Article)

Human behaviour is affected by many factors, and it most certainly is bound to change in times of crisis. This article compares data from different surveys to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on cash holdings and payment activity. With many individuals reporting having precautionary amounts of cash, especially during natural disasters, the article attempts to draw patterns of human behaviour in response to uncertainty. Could the pandemic have decreased the popularity of cash payments among consumers for fear of contamination? Or have global levels of uncertainty indirectly urged people to hold on to increased amounts of cash?

Curious? Continue reading here:

Packaging Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Creating Packages

3) Packaging Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Creating Packages (e-Book)

Don’t judge a book by its cover is a popular saying, but consumers often do judge a product by its packaging. The truth is that packaging can greatly affect buyers’ perceptions of a product’s quality, reliability, and likeability. This e-book is a uniquely comprehensive guide that packaging and other design professionals will find delightful to read. It features numerous design examples and explains the guidelines for creating appealing packages. Which considerations should one keep in mind? How can a designer create more sustainable packaging, tell a story, or use symbolism?

Intrigued already? Continue reading here:

Landmark Cases in Public Law

4) Landmark Cases in Public Law (e-Book) 

It is said that the past foretells the future. In the case of public law, this is more accurate than most people care to believe. This publication uses a contextualised historical approach to examine the judicial outcomes of many landmark cases that are often referred to in modern courtrooms. By doing so, the article allows for an analysis of the, often human, factors leading to these outcomes. The e-book argues that factors like attitudes and personality traits often influence a verdict. By referring to different landmark cases throughout history and readdressing their historical contexts, the paper offers a fresh perspective on cases that have been considered canonical.

Did you suddenly find yourself interested in Public Law? If so, continue reading here:

Stress Testing: Approaches, Methods and Applications

5) Stress Testing: Approaches, Methods and Applications (e-Book)

We often associate stress with mental and physical states. In this e-book, stress testing refers to the tool that banks and financial institutions can use to determine vulnerabilities in a system. When a global or national crisis occurs, it usually affects the flow of payments. Stress testing can help foresee these changes and prepare an institution to respond to those factors and adapt. By reading this e-book, risk managers, consultants, and other professionals will learn the methodologies and frameworks of this increasingly valuable tool to assess risk.

Wondering how stress testing can be used to foster risk awareness? Continue reading here:

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Top 5 reads of June 2021

Whether you have begun casting off your pandemic sweatpants and making plans to go out again, or you are still a little wary of the outside world, don’t forget to keep your favourite reads close by. This summer is packed with an overabundance of interesting e-books. Discover more about how interior lighting can affect your mood, what Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is all about, how you can boost your sales, and much more with this month’s issue of Zendy’s top reads.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in June:

1) Lighting for Interior Design (e-Book)

Light surrounds us every day. This e-book is an introduction to the subject of architectural lighting design. Drawing on scientific and mathematical formulas, it explores the aesthetic and emotional capabilities of well-designed lighting. How does natural lighting affect interior spaces?

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2) Summary of The Alchemist: By Paulo Coelho (e-Book)

The Alchemist is a best-selling novel about a shepherd named Santiago, who abandons his life in Spain to embark upon an epic treasure hunt across Africa. This e-book provides a comprehensive summary of the novel, key themes and motifs, character analysis, and character relationships. 

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3) Amp Up Your Sales: Powerful Strategies That Move Customers to Make Fast, Favorable Decisions (e-Book)

Succeeding as a sales professional is like being a professional athlete. How can you stand out in a seemingly infinite crowd of hardworking competitors? This practical e-book, filled with real-world techniques, shows you how to become a trusted sales professional who consistently wins new business.

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4) AQA GCSE (9-1) Combined Science Trilogy Student Book (e-Book) 

Build your students’ scientific thinking, analysis, and evaluation with this textbook that leads them seamlessly from basic concepts to more complicated theories, with topical examples, practical activities, and mathematical support throughout its content.

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5) Project Management: A Common-Sense Guide to the PMBOK Program, Part Two–Plan and Execution (e-Book)

Stay on top of how project management and planning have evolved and learn more about risk, quality, human resource management, and procurement. This e-book helps you to differentiate between planning and scheduling in project management and provides you with a guideline of what to look out for when executing your projects.

Continue reading here:

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