Are you looking for page-turning, conversation-starting academic literature? No matter what kind of scholarly articles and books tickle your fancy, you’ll find plenty to choose from on Zendy! Here are April’s top downloaded articles and eBooks by our Zendy Plus users:

1) Botulinum neurotoxin for head and neck disorders
This eBook offers otolaryngologists, neurologists, pain specialists, and others a guide to the management of motor, sensory and autonomic disorders of the head and neck region with botulinum neurotoxin. It covers treatment methods for conditions ranging from hyper-functional motor disorders to afferent pain disorders.
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2) Beyond Silicon Valley: How start-ups succeed in unlikely places
Technology start-ups typically become successful by using injections of capital to grow as rapidly as possible and tolerating high risk in a rush for market domination. Entrepreneurs far from superstar innovation cities demonstrate that start-ups can achieve outsize success by following a different path. Wondering what path that would be?
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3) New media language
“New Media Language” is an essential read, bringing leading media figures and scholars together to debate the shifting relations between today’s media and contemporary language. This eBook investigates how developments in world media have affected, and been affected by language.
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4) Advertising culture and translation: From colonial to global
This eBook is a comprehensive study combining and integrating advertising, culture and translation within the framework of colonial, postcolonial studies, and globalisation. It addresses several issues evident in two relatively young disciplines, as a result of decades of research and teaching in university courses.
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5) The uncanny and the fairy tale in Kubrick’s The Shining
The “Literature Film Quarterly” is the longest-standing journal of international adaptation studies. This article takes a psychoanalytical approach to discuss the tensions between father, mother, and child in the motion picture “The Shining,” directed by Stanley Kubrick. It also explores the Freudian concepts which are present in the film.
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