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Top 5 reads of June 2021

Whether you have begun casting off your pandemic sweatpants and making plans to go out again, or you are still a little wary of the outside world, don’t forget to keep your favourite reads close by. This summer is packed with an overabundance of interesting e-books. Discover more about how interior lighting can affect your mood, what Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is all about, how you can boost your sales, and much more with this month’s issue of Zendy’s top reads.

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in June:

1) Lighting for Interior Design (e-Book)

Light surrounds us every day. This e-book is an introduction to the subject of architectural lighting design. Drawing on scientific and mathematical formulas, it explores the aesthetic and emotional capabilities of well-designed lighting. How does natural lighting affect interior spaces?

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2) Summary of The Alchemist: By Paulo Coelho (e-Book)

The Alchemist is a best-selling novel about a shepherd named Santiago, who abandons his life in Spain to embark upon an epic treasure hunt across Africa. This e-book provides a comprehensive summary of the novel, key themes and motifs, character analysis, and character relationships. 

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3) Amp Up Your Sales: Powerful Strategies That Move Customers to Make Fast, Favorable Decisions (e-Book)

Succeeding as a sales professional is like being a professional athlete. How can you stand out in a seemingly infinite crowd of hardworking competitors? This practical e-book, filled with real-world techniques, shows you how to become a trusted sales professional who consistently wins new business.

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4) AQA GCSE (9-1) Combined Science Trilogy Student Book (e-Book) 

Build your students’ scientific thinking, analysis, and evaluation with this textbook that leads them seamlessly from basic concepts to more complicated theories, with topical examples, practical activities, and mathematical support throughout its content.

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5) Project Management: A Common-Sense Guide to the PMBOK Program, Part Two–Plan and Execution (e-Book)

Stay on top of how project management and planning have evolved and learn more about risk, quality, human resource management, and procurement. This e-book helps you to differentiate between planning and scheduling in project management and provides you with a guideline of what to look out for when executing your projects.

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE.

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Top 5 reads of May 2021

Looking to keep up with the latest developments in your field? Zendy provides unlimited access to the academic resources that you need! Whether you are interested in the interaction of particles or you are itching to learn how to establish authentic and productive connections with people – there is something for everyone on Zendy!

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in May:

Image of Quantum theory - Top Reads

1) Computers: Classical, Quantum and Others (e-Book)

Interested in the behaviour of photons, electrons and other particles? This e-book provides a history of the origin of computing machines and an analysis of the mind phenomenon in a natural scientific paradigm. It is intended as a resource for senior students and researchers in natural sciences, scientific philosophy and contemporary psychology.

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Endodontic Management - Case Report - Dentistry - Research - Taurodontia - Palatal Canals

2) Endodontic Management of a Maxillary First Molar with Taurodontia and Two Palatal Canals: A Case Report (Article)

Maxillary first molar with two palatal canals is rare since extra canals are found mostly in the mesiobuccal root as the second mesiobuccal canal. This article describes an endodontic treatment of a three-rooted maxillary first molar with taurodontia and a palatal root with two separate canals.

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The Big Four - Deloitte - Earnest & Young - KPMG - PwC - Accounting Firms

3) Count Down: The Past, Present and Uncertain Future of the Big Four Accounting firms (e-Book)

This e-book outlines new challenges the Big Four auditing firms are facing. It also illustrates issues with auditing and advisory practices, regulations, and technological disruption, suggesting a more sustainable audit model to serve global capital markets better.

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Creating Intrigue and connecting with People - Interpersonal Communication

4) Got Your Attention? How to Create Intrigue and Connect with Anyone (e-Book)

One in four people abandons a website if it takes longer than four seconds to load. In an impatient world of infobesity, people don’t want more information—they want to be intrigued, and they want to be intrigued fast. In her innovative e-book, Sam Horn explains how to replace overlong communications with concise, compelling, mutually rewarding two-way interactions that add value for all involved.

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Depression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

5) Identifying and Managing Depression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (Article)

Despite advances in cardiac care, patients who have coronary artery disease and have also been diagnosed with depression have higher morbidity and mortality rates. This article examines the epidemiology, clinical presentation, screening tools, and treatment recommendations for these patients.

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE.

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Top 5 reads of April 2021

Looking for new and interesting articles from leading academic publishers? Zendy provides simple access to scholarly resources across all subjects!

Can we prevent the next COVID-19 by fixing the global agricultural system? What is creativity in the arena of strategic management? What conditions provoke cardiac arrhythmias? Keep reading to find out. 

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in April:

Agriculture concept photo.

1) Fixing Our Global Agricultural System to Prevent the Next COVID-19 (Article)

While the world’s attention has been focused on controlling COVID-19, evidence has shown that the biodiversity crisis is a leading factor in its emergence and the outbreak of past infectious diseases. Feeding a growing human population in ways that minimise harm to biodiversity is important to prevent future pandemics. Why are we seeing more cases of pathogens crossing from wildlife to humans? What efforts are needed to affect change?

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Man putting together a puzzle.

2) Alzheimer’s Disease: Pathological and Clinical Findings (e-Book)

Alzheimer’s disease is the most frequent cause of dementia and slowly causes cognitive impairment, altering patients’ daily activities. Approximately ten per cent of people over the age of seventy experience significant memory loss, and in more than half of the cases, the cause is Alzheimer’s disease. The e-book offers students, medical practitioners and specialists information on the pathological and clinical aspects of Alzheimer’s disease in depth.

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Strategic management concept.

3) Comprehensive Strategic Management: A Guide for Students, Insight for Managers (e-Book)

Looking for innovative approaches to strategic management? This e-book presents important concepts on strategic management by drawing on practices and findings by real organisations and includes conclusions from top business publications. This is a must-read for anyone interested in familiarising themselves with the practical tools of strategy management, how to use these tools, and solve real-world strategy issues.

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Man suffering from heart problem.

4) Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty (e-Book)

This best-selling e-book is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to cardiovascular diseases.  It covers the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes, mechanisms of heart failure, molecular mechanisms of dysrhythmias, and the genomic basis of cardiomyopathies. Packed with detailed illustrations, it is specifically designed to meet the needs of medical students during their initial encounters with patients with heart disease.

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Image of a team laughing and working together.

5) Inspired Organisational Cultures (e-Book)

What is an organisation’s “cultural DNA”? In this e-book, Kimberly Wiefling discusses the elusive concept of organisational culture, enabling individuals, teams, and organisations to gain a deeper understanding of their organisation’s culture. Wiefling’s e-book is highly relevant to anyone determined to build effective teams across borders and boundaries of every kind.

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE.

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Top 5 reads of March 2021

When did impressionism begin? What cognitive abilities do spiders have? How has supply chain management evolved? We want to know the answers to these questions too! 

With Zendy, you can explore a vast amount of content across subjects such as art, science, medicine, technology, and more. So what are our readers interested in? Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in March:

Claude Monet painting.

1. Claude Monet (e-Book)

If you love impressionism as much as we do then this e-book is for you! Throughout his life, Claude Monet captured natural movements around him and translated them into fluid, sensational paintings. But for Monet, the act of creation was always a painful struggle. In this e-book, explore the life and artistic development of Monet, from his early work of figures to landscapes, during the Impressionist period. 

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Spider and web.

2) Spider Behaviour: Flexibility and Versatility (e-Book)

Did you know that spiders can produce up to 7 different types of silk? This e-book presents a comprehensive summary of behavioural research on spiders. Starting with an introductory chapter on spider biology, systematics, and evolution, it discusses under-explored areas of spider behaviour from foraging and web building to communication and courtship.

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Supply chain management concept.

3) Evolution of Supply Chain Management: Ethical Issues for Leaders (Article)

The changes in supply chain today are taking place at a very fast pace. This article traces the evolution of the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM) from the mid-19th century till the present day. Given the rapid growth in technological advances, it further discusses the ethical and leadership challenges expected to be faced in supply chain management. 

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Cushing's syndrome book and stethoscope.

4) Cushing’s Syndrome: Screening and Diagnosis (Article) 

Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is a disorder that occurs when your body makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long period of time. This article summarises the recent literature on the clinical and biochemical aspects of CS diagnostics to help physicians choose the best screening test for diagnosing endogenous hypercortisolism.

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Money in washing machine.

5) Trade-based Money Laundering: Overview, Issues, Perspectives (e-Book) 

What are the detrimental effects of trade-based money laundering (TBML)? TBML activity is emerging as an issue of growing interest to academics and policymakers. This extensive e-book discusses the scope of the trade-based money laundering problem and analyses selected U.S. government policy responses to address it. 

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE.

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Top 5 reads of February 2021

Staying up to date with literature is perhaps the single most important skill that remains crucial throughout a researcher’s career. To help you keep track of academic literature, we have dug through our data to pull you a list of the top reads from Zendy – so that you don’t have to!  

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in February:

Chinese acupunture needles.

1. Acupuncture: Methods, Health Benefits and Effectiveness (e-Book)

Did you know that the ancient practice of acupuncture started in China approximately 3000 years ago? Today, it has gained growing popularity as an alternative and complementary therapeutic intervention in Western societies. This e-book reviews the different methods, health benefits and the effectiveness of acupuncture based on current studies. 

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Close-up of cancer cell.

2. Practical Management of Complex Cancer Pain (e-Book)

Up to 95% of cancer pain can be treated successfully. This e-book provides a practical guide to managing and treating complex cancer pain and is an essential read for all oncologists, pain, and palliative care specialists. It also focuses on cancer pain management for patients in a community setting, including collaboration between pain and palliative medicine.

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Globe on top of book.

3. The Tertiary Education Imperative: Knowledge, Skills and Values for Development (e-Book)

The launch of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 has renewed the importance of education towards economic and social development. Against this background, this e-book explores the crucial role of tertiary education towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Google Cloud on mobile phone.

4. Google Cloud Platform for Architects : Design and Manage Powerful Cloud Solutions (e-Book) 

Using a public cloud platform was considered risky a decade ago and unconventional even just a few years ago. Today, the use of the public cloud is completely mainstream. This e-book provides cloud architects with how to scale their cloud system and boost its security. It also includes insights into the best GCP services, helping you understand how and when to use them.

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Public health blocks stacked.

5. Introduction to Public Health, Second Edition: Promises and Practice (e-Book) 

How are the fields of medicine and public health different? How is health defined? This comprehensive e-book combines both academics and public health officials’ perspectives to examine the field of public health. It also covers organisation, finance, leadership, and initiatives related to current public health practice.

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE.

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Top 5 reads of January 2021

It is often said that how you begin January sets the tone for the rest of the year. At Zendy, we know that despite the COVID-19 pandemic curbing some activity options, there’s one activity that remains available still and that’s catching up on the best academic literature! 

Here are Zendy’s top 5 reads in January:

Man holding color blocks.

1. Managing Organisational Behaviour (e-Book)

Interested in understanding and managing organisational behaviour? This e-book provides cutting-edge research and tools to help students, teachers, and researchers to understand, analyse, describe and manage attitudes and behaviour in organisations. Drawing on key concepts and theories, it features articles, books, case studies, and research reports that elucidate the factors influencing organisations’ behaviour. 

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Doctor holding mammography.

2. Breast Cancer (e-Book)

This e-book takes the reader through the journey of a patient diagnosed with breast cancer and her caregiver’s experience. It provides an overview of her cancer treatment and care in simple terms including diagnosis, medical treatment options, physical and psychosocial side effects, complementary therapies, and how a patient’s active participation in her treatment helps her fight cancer. 

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3. Sustainable Design: Towards a New Ethic in Architecture and Town Planning (e-Book)

Sustainable architecture strives to form buildings using a combination of energy-efficient technology, renewable materials, and innovative design. This e-book covers the work of the 2007 and 2008 prize winners of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture. Before providing a deeper insight into their projects and designs, each architect’s work and ideas are introduced.

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Man on computer looking at software modeling and design.

4. Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures (e-Book) 

This is a must-have e-book for any senior technologist involved in the software development life cycle. It covers how to model and design software applications from use cases to software architectures in UML and shows how to apply the COMET UML-based modelling and design method to real-world problems. 

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Building blocks showing performance concept.

5. Performance and Productivity in Public and Nonprofit Organisations (e-Book) 

What is performance? What is productivity? This comprehensive e-book provides an overview of organisational and performance productivity strategies in public and nonprofit organisations. Designed for professional use and courses, it covers the traditional approaches to productivity improvement and its evolution throughout the years.

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE.

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A new digital library: Zendy launches in Saudi Arabia

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 7th February, 2021: Zendy, the first subscription-based library for scholarly literature in MENA, has launched in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi 2030 vision aims to move towards a culture of research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Zendy plans to support this vision by providing researchers, students, and other knowledge enthusiasts access to thousands of articles, e-books and scholarly resources. 

Zendy’s mission is to break down barriers to scholarly discovery by providing individuals world-wide affordable access to the world’s latest research and literature. Traditionally academic literature is hidden behind expensive paywalls or restricted to those who are affiliated with a larger organisation.  

Kamran R. Kardan, Founder and CEO of Knowledge E, says, “We are extremely excited to launch Zendy in Saudi Arabia, to increase the visibility of research in the Kingdom and promote education for all. Saudi Arabia is striving towards becoming a knowledge-based economy and, by expanding Zendy’s presence to the country, we aim to drive this shift forward.” 

Zendy first launched in Jordan in late 2019, and the online library has since accumulated thousands of users across North Africa and the Middle East. It hosts over 120,000 publications including more than 30,000 journals and 30,000 e-books. Zendy also allows users to save searches, export citations and navigate easily according to material type, subject, publication title, language and more. 

To celebrate Zendy’s launch, all Saudi Arabia users will receive a 50% discount on the yearly plan by using the discount code SAUDILAUNCH50 when subscribing.

Click here to start your scholarly journey with Zendy.

About Zendy

Zendy was created to facilitate access to academic literature. By addressing the key challenges that we face with traditional ways of finding relevant, high-quality, academic content, Zendy strives to provide peace of mind to all students, researchers, professionals and knowledge enthusiasts.

Zendy is developed by Knowledge E in a growing collaboration with researchers, students, institutions and publishers. Zendy democratises access to content by making it more affordable and accessible. There are no limitations on reading, just simple access to scholarly resources. 

About Knowledge E 

Established in 2012, Knowledge E’s name was fast to become synonymous with collaboration, professionalism and innovation. Head-quartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and supported by a team of over 40 highly engaged professionals, Knowledge E works closely with over 200 clients world-wide from various types of organisations and government entities within the research and education sector to support their continued innovation and development. This is achieved by providing leading expertise, information resources and software solutions. Since its inception, Knowledge E has prudently expanded its expertise, services and technology in line with its vision of developing ‘a more knowledgeable world’.

Knowledge E’s three core offerings are the 3D’s; ‘Discover’, ‘Develop’ and ‘Disseminate’. ‘Discover’ powered by Zendy,  through the KnE Digital Library Solutions for research literature discovery, as well as tailored content packages; ‘Develop’ through the KnE Training Programmes, supporting capacity building and skills development within academia as well as the KnE Consulting Projects, serving universities on their mission to become ‘world-class universities’; and ‘Disseminate’ through the KnE Publishing Services and the platform for Open Access publishing of regional journals and conference proceedings.

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Top 5 reads of December 2020

2020 tested our resilience, forcing the world to change and for most of us, change how we live and work. As we enter 2021, many of us ask, what will the post-pandemic normal look like? How will we build a better future? 

At Zendy, we know that our users are working hard, reading up on the latest developments and research, to come up with great ideas and smart solutions! What were our users reading in December? 

Image of a gavel and money representing economic and law concept.

1) Antitrust Law and Economics (e-Book)

This comprehensive e-book provides a broad overview of the major topics of antitrust law from an economic perspective. It contains ten in-depth papers on antitrust law and economics, covering issues such as predatory pricing, essential facilities, tying, vertical restraints, enforcement, mergers, market power, and facilitating practices. 

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Image of potato plants in tubes.

2) Development of Science and Technology of Food Resources (e-Book)

Wenbiao Wu’s e-book provides extensive insights into the science and technology of sustainable food resources. It is the perfect resource for farmers, food production enterprises, and government administrators involved in making food policies or scientists interested in developing sustainable food resources and their production systems.

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Paracetamol flowing out of white bottle.

3) Acetaminophen: Properties, Clinical Uses and Adverse Effects (e-Book) 

This e-book presents current research around the properties, clinical uses and adverse effects of acetaminophen, commonly known as paracetamol. Can sesame oil treat acetaminophen-overdose-associated liver injuries and paracetamol use in the elderly? Which methods can be used to remove acetaminophen from water supplies? 

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Working professionals sitting around desk using technological devices.

4) The E-Society (e-Book)

What is an e-society? In her e-book, Becky Loo guides us through the technical and social complexities of an e-society which she describes as “the pervasive influence of advanced technologies in microelectronics, informatics and telecommunications on people’s mindsets and lifestyles.” How are digital technologies invading our personal lives?  

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Drum for generator steam.

5) Steam Generators: Design, Types and Applications (e-Book) 

Interested in the development of novel fast-neutron reactors? Or perhaps you want to learn more about heavy liquid metal coolants? This e-book presents a wide range of research on steam generators including its structural designs, advances in modelling and simulation, transport reactor plants and corrosion performances. 

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Top 5 reads of November 2020

It’s almost the end of the year! It has been an unusual year and we can’t wait to see what next year brings. But let’s not worry about that right now. Instead, let’s revel in an exciting collection of e-books and articles to get us ready for the new year! 

Here are Zendy’s top 5 downloaded reads in November:

Painting titled Approaching Rainstorm, by Barend Cornelis Koekkoek.

1) Romanticism (e-Book)

In Catherine Corman’s latest e-book, she provides a fresh collection of poems inspired from the memoirs, letters and diaries of Martha Graham, Anaïs Nin, Marguerite Duras, Billie Holiday and Diane Arbus. Accompanied by photographs that trace their lives, Corman brings life to the words of these five bold women. 

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Fountain pen in the hand with paper with ink text on the wooden desk closeup.

2) August Wilson: Completing the Twentieth-Century Cycle (e-Book)

August Wilson was an American playwright who chronicled the African-American experience in the 20th century. This e-book is the first volume devoted to Wilson’s last five plays: Jitney, Seven Guitars, King Hedley II, Gem of the Ocean, and Radio Golf. It contains an extensive and diverse array of discussions from leading Wilson scholars and literary critics. 

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Image of person holding iPad streaming Netflix.

3) The Netflix Effect: Technology and Entertainment in the 21st Century (e-Book)

Over the past decade, streaming services such as Netflix have shaped how we engage with media. This e-book provides insightful essays by academics from a range of disciplines, discussing Netflix’s effects on technology, entertainment, industry, and society. Ranging from politics to economics to technology, this is a valuable resource for those navigating the media industry. 

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Engineer technician designing drawings mechanical parts engineering.

4) Achievements and Solutions in Mechanical Engineering (e-Book)

Interested in robotics and mechatronics? Or perhaps you want to learn more about 3D printing? This e-book presents recent research that aims to improve theoretical and practical activities in the field of mechanical engineering. This research is based on the peer reviewed papers presented at the 4th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering in Romania. 

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Glucose molecule 3d render on a white background.

5) Highly Selective Oxidation of Carbohydrates in an Efficient Electrochemical Energy Converter: Cogenerating Organic Electrosynthesis (Journal article) 

Energy converters are used to supply stationary and mobile devices with minimum environmental impact. This article proposes an approach to make catalysts that can convert carbohydrates into chemicals selectively and produce electrical power and recoverable heat.

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE.

Sign up today here! 

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Top 5 reads of October 2020

Whether you’re curious about renewable energy engineering or interested in progressing into a healthcare management role, Zendy has something for everyone! We’re always looking for our next great read – so what are the best e-books and journal articles to dive into? To lend a hand, every month, we share the top 5 downloaded resources on Zendy. 

Here are Zendy’s top 5 downloaded reads in October:

Students checking digital devices and browsing social media.

1) Education and Social Media: Toward a Digital Future (e-Book)

In this e-book, leading scholars from education, law, communications, sociology, and cultural studies explore the digital transformation taking place in a variety of educational contexts. It examines such topics as social media usage in schools, online youth communities, and distance learning in developing countries. How are popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram transforming how teachers teach? What controversies surround the integration of social media in students’ lives?

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Wind mills in a field, showcasing renewable energy systems.

2) Renewable Energy Engineering: Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydrogen and Geothermal Energy Systems (e-Book)

Researchers and politicians around the world agree that renewable energy technologies will play an increasingly important role in strengthening national economies in the future. This e-book examines recent advances in specific renewable energy systems. From solar energy systems to thermal energy storage, readers will be able to broaden their understanding of complex renewable energy projects. How will the renewable energy industry impact power capacity in the future? 

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Oats, salmon and other superfoods.

3) Nutrition Through the Life Cycle (e-Book)

‘Nutrition Through the Life Cycle’ summarises what is known about the relationship between diet and health at different points in the life cycle, and the nutritional requirements of individuals of different ages. Filled with resources to guide the study of nutrition, this e-book also uses current research to explain the nutritional foundations necessary for the growth, development and normal functioning of individuals at each stage of their life span.

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RNA coronavirus in pink and green colors.

4) Novel and Potent Inhibitors Targeting DHODH are Broad-Spectrum Antivirals against RNA Viruses including Newly-Emerged Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Journal article)

Emerging and re-emerging RNA viruses occasionally cause epidemics and pandemics worldwide, such as the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus. This journal article discusses two inhibitors of human DHODH, S312 and S416, with favourable drug-likeness and pharmacokinetic profiles. Which viruses did these inhibitors show antiviral effects against? Was it effective against the coronavirus? 

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doctor's stethoscope and tablets.

5) The Global Healthcare Manager: Competencies, Concepts, and Skills (e-Book)

Interested in healthcare management and leadership? This e-book provides a comprehensive overview of healthcare management and leadership in a global context, with real-world perspectives from a broad range of countries, cultures, and delivery settings. Written for both students and practitioners, this e-book incorporates examples, case studies, exercises and guidelines to reinforce key concepts. 

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Access articles, e-books, magazines and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE.

Sign up today here